My Celebrant colleagues are fantastic people! I love that they are open to sharing ideas and giving advice.
Well, recently one of my colleagues was looking for funny readings for a couple she was marrying. Several people gave her suggestions, but my favorite came from the wonderful and creative New Jersey Celebrant, Cristina Kollet.
She suggested using a selection from the book, I Like You by Sandol Stoddard Warburg. I love this! Thanks for the idea, Cristina!
Here are some excerpts, which I think would be wonderful for a wedding ceremony:
We snurkle under fences. We spy secret places.
If I am a goofus on the roofus hollering my head off, You are one too
If I pretend I am drowning, you pretend you are saving me
If I am getting ready to pop a paper bag,
then you are getting ready to jump HOORAY.....
And I like you because when I am feeling sad, You don't always cheer me up right away
Sometimes it is better to be sad
You can't stand the others being so googly and gaggly every single minute
You want to think about things. It takes time.
I like you because if I am mad at you, Then you are mad at me too
It's awful when the other person isn't
They are so nice and hoo-hoo you could just about punch them in the nose….
On the 4th of July I like you because it's the 4th of July
On the fifth of July, I like you too
If you and I had some drums and some horns and some horses
If we had some hats and some flags and some fire engines
We could be a HOLIDAY
We could be a CELEBRATION
We could be a WHOLE PARADE
See what I mean?
Even if it was August
Even if it was way down at the bottom of November
Even if it was no place particular in January
I would go on choosing you. And you would go on choosing me.
Over and over again.....