So, are friends calling you crazy for wanting your dog in your wedding? Don't listen! Lots of couples have included pets in weddings, especially dogs. Apparently Jennifer Hudson is planning on having her three dogs, Oscar, Grammy, and Dream Girl, play a role in her ceremony. Even Adam Sandler had his dogs, Meatball and Matzoh, at his wedding.
Hey, if they can do it, so can you! The website Wedaholic has a comprehensive post about pets at weddings you'll want to check out. The article has great advice, such as determining what role is best for your pet - ring bearer? escort? flower dog??
I say anything goes - except maybe waiter. Dogs tend to gobble up the hors d'oeuvres before serving them to the guests. That could be a problem....
So, has anyone else experienced pets at a wedding? And remember, watching Tiger's antics on the first episode of the Brady Bunch doesn't count!
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