I had the urge to share some more cake photos, so please bear with me. After a long day, I turned to one of my all-time favorite blogs, Cake Wrecks. This always provides me with a good laugh.
If you have been living in a cave and don't know about this site, you must immediately go there now!!
Or, drive over to your local book store or library and get the book. But I'm warning you, I stood by myself at Borders one afternoon, laughing out loud. It was a little embarrassing.
For the rest of you, I direct your attention to some very cool wedding cakes. These photos are from the post, Sunday Sweets: Fun Wedding Cakes. Check it our for more very fun cakes. I kinda have a thing for cakes with monsters or cute little ghosts (if you couldn't already tell), so that's what you're seeing here. Don't even get me started on zombie cakes!
And please be sure to visit the site. You absolutely cannot to miss the wedding cakes in the post Wedding Wrecks. These fall into the category of "Not Quite What We Wanted." You'll love the comparisons of the model
