Actually, most people don't realize that there is another part. The entire rhyme is:
Something old, something new.
Something borrowed, something blue,
And a sixpence in her shoe.
A sixpence is a silver coin that was used in England in the past. The saying is English and hearkens back to the Victorian era. The poem is a wish of good fortune for the new bride.
To break it down, "something old" refers to heirloom jewelry pieces that brides have traditionally worn for the wedding, and thus, her connection with family and ancestors.
"Something new" refers to the hope of a happy future.
"Something borrowed" is usually something the bride borrows from a happily married friend. This allows the married friend's luck and happiness to rub off on the new bride.
It's said that "something blue" goes back to Victorain England, where the color symbolized royalty, or "blue blood." In other words, the wedding couple were seen as being royal on their wedding day. (Hey, I kinda like that idea. Do my bidding, peasants!)
Blue can also be traced back to ancient Rome, where blue symbolized purity and fidelity. In Christianity, the Virgin Mary is often depicted as wearing blue.
And, of course, the sixpence represents financial security.
So there you have it. Now you know what it all means. And remember, when you borrow something blue, make sure the lender is truly in LOVE!