Monday, March 22, 2010

Wedding Registry Ideas for the Eco-Conscious Couple

My friend sent me a link to The Daily Green, described as "the consumer's guide to the green revolution." Today's news included an article titled, "Think Green This Wedding Season: 27 Eco-Chic Gifts for Newlyweds."

There were some really great ideas, including these cool recycled glass pitchers from Branch Home, which I think can definitely double as vase when you're in a pinch. Hey, you never know when someone is going to surprise you with a bunch of flowers!

Along those lines, I really loved th
e recycled newspaper vases available at Target.

Last, but not least, the re
cycled glass dishes by Terrestera are fabulous!

Is it too late for me to sign up for a wedding registry?
I wan
t some of this stuff!