Question: Why did you become a Celebrant?
Answer: Becoming a Celebrant was something I had thought about for many years, even way before I even heard of Celebrants! About 15 years ago, someone told me that a notary could sign a marriage license in some states. I had no idea if it was really true, but I made some calls and learned that it wasn't an option in Illinois. Darn. Still, it got me thinking...... how cool would it be to be able to marry people?!
Then, a few years later, a local Chicago deejay married a couple on the radio after being ordained on-line. Again, it got me thinking about being an officiant. But, the whole idea of marrying people without any real training just didn't feel right to me.
Then one day, I was paging through a magazine that I've never read before, and saw an ad for the Celebrant Foundation. I guess that was my "Aha!" moment. The rest is history!
Since then, I've come to realize that I'm doing exactly what I was meant to do. I get to be creative and create unique, special ceremonies for every couple. I love doing research, and continually learn about different cultures and rituals. Best of all, I meet interesting people and participate in the happiest time of their lives. I have the best job in the world!