Handfasting is considered an Irish ritual, but it is also a Pagan tradition as it can be traced to pre-Christian customs.
When considering a Pagan wedding, couples sometimes wonder how to incorporate their beliefs and philosophy into the wedding. Here are some ideas I've found:
Brooms: Although most people associate it with African American weddings, jumping the broom has also long been a Pagan (and Wiccan) wedding tradition. Brooms can also be used as decorations for the reception, as they are a symbol of fertility (hearth and home). Small decorative brooms (available at craft stores) can be adorned with dried herbs, flowers, or ribbons for a nice touch.
Possibilities for wedding reception keepsakes and decorations include:
- Packets of flower seeds or plant seedlings
- Jars of honey (sacred to Aphrodite)
- Bells - used to ward off evil spirits
- Potpourri which includes orris root, a violet-scented fixative regarded as a love plant
- Keychains - keys have magical significance (unlocking of the mysteries)