I know there are many couples who would like to "give back" in conjunction with their Big Day. The problem is, most just don't know how. This website gives you the opportunity to create a Wedding Registry, where you can allow guests to donate to charities of your choice.
Another option is to make a donation yourself, in lieu of wedding favors. JustGive.org will then send you a pesonalized PDF to print and place on your guest tables. Great idea!
One of the organizations that can be supported through JustGive.org is BeadforLife, with which I have been involved for a few years. I'm a huge fan of BeadforLife and can't say enough about it (just ask anyone I know - they've all heard me blathering on!).
The organization helps women in Uganda earn a fair wage selling beautiful jewelry made from recycled paper. I've hosted several Bead Parties, which are tons of fun.... and the beads are so beautiful that I wind up buying a bunch for myself. At this very moment I'm wearing a long BeadforLife necklace, earrings - and two bracelets! Trust me, there's more .... I admit that I'm shamelessly addicted. Each time the box comes in the mail with the goods for my one of my Bead Parties, I get utterly giddy. I dump everything out on the kitchen table and pour over every single piece..... it's glorious!!! And I do this repeatedly before my party, just to make sure I've picked out all my favorites. It's a little obsessive, I know.....
Okay, back to the point - I think the jewelry would make fantastic bridal shower favors- and the beads are even gorgeous enough for brides to wear!
Check out the BeadforLife story in the videos below...